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7 Ways to Arrange Your Life to Support Your Goals

If you have huge goals, working on them here and there whenever it’s convenient will delay ever reaching those goals. Think about popping a bag of popcorn. If you keep opening the microwave, the kernels will never pop. Slow consistent heat makes those kernels pop up to attention and become what they were meant to be (I mean, kernels are supposed to be popcorn, right?..).

If you arrange your life in such a way that supports those goals, however, all aspects of your life will be working together - complementing each other - with the realization of your goals as the result!

Arranging your life around your goals helps you create the exact life you want!

Use these strategies to help make it happen:

1. Define your goals. Know your goals. This is always the first step. Success isn’t an accident. It requires vision and intention.

● Clarify exactly what you want to happen, in such a detailed way that you can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel all aspects of that life.

2. People. Are the people in your life supportive of your goals? You have a choice to make. You can spend time with others that make you more likely to be able to live your purpose, or you can spend your time with those that make it less likely for you to live the life you truly want.

● Are there others you need to connect with in order to achieve your goals? Maybe it would help to have a banker or two in your life. Maybe a coach or a marketing expert would spur you on. Invite new people into your circle that will support your goals.

● You can only spend time with a certain number of people. As they say, you become like the people you spend the most time with. Are you spending time with the people who make you the best version of yourself?

3. Wellness. If you want to run a marathon, that’s a different meal plan than someone that wants to win a bodybuilding contest. Do you need a lot of energy, or do you need a lot of focus? What type of meal plan and supplements allow you to do your best work?

● What I do may not be for you, but it may be.. test out different meal plans, supplements, and paths. For instance, I drink 2 catalyst concoctions a day. Some do 1, some do 3, some add in the MCT and the OS.

4. Sleep. What is the optimal amount of sleep for you? You might find that you can pursue your goal much more effectively if you get more sleep. Most people require 7-8 hours of sleep each night to be at their best, but that is most, not all. Figure out what works for you. (I didn't realize I could live on 4 hours a night until I first became a mom).

5. Time. How are you spending your time each day? Are you wasting time on mere distractions or trivial pursuits? When you’re using your time to chase after your goals, are you choosing the most effective actions or the easiest?

● Track how you spend your time each day and see what you discover. Set up a time blocking schedule (ask me about my Resource Bundle!).

6. Home. Are you living in the right city, neighborhood, or home to best pursue your goals? For example, it would be very difficult to become the world’s greatest skier while living in Illinois. Where do you need to be to maximize the odds of your success?

● Should you be living in the city or in the country?

● East Coast or West?

● Condo or farm?

● Near the mountains or the ocean?

● Alone or with others?

7. Career. Do you enjoy what you are doing? Is it in alignment with where you want to be in the future? What transferrable skills are you learning? Are you making enough money to pursue your goals? Is your career helping or hurting your efforts?

● For example, if you need to be free during the day to pursue your goals, then an evening job makes more sense than a day job.

● If your current job or career path doesn’t support the life you want, research one that will and make plans to pursue that path.

Big goals require the coordination of every aspect of your life. If you want to run a 10K, you can work that around your current schedule. If you want to become a billionaire, it’s going to take more than that.

How big are your goals? How serious are you about achieving them? Are you ready to arrange your life to support your goals? You can get started today!

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